Friday, July 06, 2007

7-6-07 The Burqa

This story isn't particularly noteworthy, except to point out that the burqa really has only one useful purpose in today's world, ie- a convenient disguise for criminals. Claiming that it serves a religious purpose is offensive to me, as the only "religious purpose" of the burqa is to suppress women, subordinate them, and "put them in their place."

Mine isn't an anti-Islamic stance, it's an anti-misogyny stance, and it stands equally in opposition to the caste system in India, the "habits" worn by nuns in the Catholic paternalistic system, and certain South American legal systems that allows husbands to beat their "misbehaving" wives to death, ...just to mention a few. And let's not forget how many steps behind their husbands that a wife must follow in most of "traditional"Asia.

The burqa is a symbol of the oppression of women in one third of the world's population. The other two thirds have their own equally effective methods.


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