Monday, July 02, 2007

7-2-07 Fear This

Every time I see that little phrase, I fear that our society has gone past the point of no return.

Over on the Daily Dish, where the author argues against the instillation of fear as a method of fighting AIDS, he does, nonetheless, participate like a good Republican in helping to promote the fear of jihadists. This piece explains how two of the car bombers at the Glasgow Airport were actually doctors.

Personally, my view of those two doctors is more along the lines of "Beavis and Butthead do Jihad..." I mean, what sort of mind will drive a human being to go through all those years of schooling to become a doctor, buy a house, raise a family, and THEN suddenly decide that it's time to blow themselves up in a Jeep Cherokee full of gasoline?

I'll tell you what kind of mind that is. It's a heavily indoctrinated mind, one that has been, essentially, brainwashed by religion.

We see the dramatic effects of religious brainwashing everywhere these days.

...Even the Oval Office is currently occupied by someone who's been brainwashed by religion.


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