Thursday, July 05, 2007

7-5-07 Techno-Stress

Techno-stress is how I describe the way I feel whenever anything computer related takes more than an instant.

I still have a video that's "processing" on Google Video as I write this. It's been two days since I uploaded it, yet it's still "processing" away. Everything else uploaded and then came online within a relatively short time.

(There's an entry on Wikipedia for the word "technostress," defining it as a disease. Y'know, one of those invented maladies of psycho-babble that can, ostensibly, be treated. What a racket... So, I differentiate between the word "technostress," which has been made into a handy new psychological disease complete with specialists... and the word "techno-stress." All I'm refering to is the annoyance that comes about when computer related cycles take longer than I would expect them to take.)


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