6-8-09 Live Free Or Die
New Hampshire's motto, which can be seen on any NH license plate, is "Live Free, or Die." It's an interesting conundrum for Ed and Elaine Brown, however, after each them have been sentenced to 5-1/2 years in prison for tax evasion. The stance they took was that the federal income tax laws don't really exist, because, according to them and many others across the country, the ratification records for the amendment to the Constitution allowing for income taxes has yet to be produced for anyone to see.
I looked up "fait accomplis" for this post, since I use it often enough, and discovered that I had been dropping the "s" all these years... But I'd rather mis-spell a word in public than not understand what a fait accomplis is, in real life. I sympathize with anyone whose conviction and mettle is powerful enough to bring them to a level of sacrifice, for the sake of a principle they believe in, that pretty much ruins their life. But it does seem to me that the levying of taxes is an accomplished fact in real life, regardless of the legal mumbo-jumbo that's ever used to convince all of us non-judical types that the levying of taxes is "legal."
What's an accomplished fact is that those in charge call the shots. What's an accomplished fact is that no matter who's in charge, they're gonna end up squeezing you... unless you somehow manage to get yourself into a position where you're in charge... then, you'll probably end up squeezing people and "taxing" them, one way or another, too.
Those around the country who espouse joining the so-called "tax revolt" against the "illegal" nature of federal income taxes have my best wishes. It would be fun to see them win this argument. Unfortunately, even if it was an argument that was won, the level of taxation would simply shift, and most definitely would not be reduced.
And so, ...the point? What is the point? Well, I really don't get it. Ed and Elaine Brown are holed up on their self-sustaining property with the help of friends, just an hour or so drive north of where I live. Instead of giving up their fight and walking out, they're committed to never giving up.
Here's a June 7th article in the New York Times about this standoff, and here's Ed and Elaine's Weblog.
When it comes to the list of things that I'd be willing to risk my life for, refusing to pay income tax isn't on it. Besides, "living free" doesn't include being, effectively, under house arrest, as that's the cul-de-sac the Browns have artfully entered. Again I ask, "What's the POINT???" The NH motto is definitely not "get away without paying taxes or die" is it?
I looked up "fait accomplis" for this post, since I use it often enough, and discovered that I had been dropping the "s" all these years... But I'd rather mis-spell a word in public than not understand what a fait accomplis is, in real life. I sympathize with anyone whose conviction and mettle is powerful enough to bring them to a level of sacrifice, for the sake of a principle they believe in, that pretty much ruins their life. But it does seem to me that the levying of taxes is an accomplished fact in real life, regardless of the legal mumbo-jumbo that's ever used to convince all of us non-judical types that the levying of taxes is "legal."
What's an accomplished fact is that those in charge call the shots. What's an accomplished fact is that no matter who's in charge, they're gonna end up squeezing you... unless you somehow manage to get yourself into a position where you're in charge... then, you'll probably end up squeezing people and "taxing" them, one way or another, too.
Those around the country who espouse joining the so-called "tax revolt" against the "illegal" nature of federal income taxes have my best wishes. It would be fun to see them win this argument. Unfortunately, even if it was an argument that was won, the level of taxation would simply shift, and most definitely would not be reduced.
And so, ...the point? What is the point? Well, I really don't get it. Ed and Elaine Brown are holed up on their self-sustaining property with the help of friends, just an hour or so drive north of where I live. Instead of giving up their fight and walking out, they're committed to never giving up.
Here's a June 7th article in the New York Times about this standoff, and here's Ed and Elaine's Weblog.
When it comes to the list of things that I'd be willing to risk my life for, refusing to pay income tax isn't on it. Besides, "living free" doesn't include being, effectively, under house arrest, as that's the cul-de-sac the Browns have artfully entered. Again I ask, "What's the POINT???" The NH motto is definitely not "get away without paying taxes or die" is it?
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