Saturday, June 02, 2007

6-2-07 Honorable Discharge

Adam Kokesh is an honorably discharged marine who fought in Fallujah, and is now a student at George Washington University. Now he's a target at home. Why? Because he isn't shutting up about what this so called war in Iraq is all about.

Maybe you never saw the story of Ron Kovik, the marine who came back from Vietnam a paraplegic and ended up protesting that war, but it would be a good time to go out and rent the movie. The title is "Born On The Fourth Of July," starring everyone's favorite Scientologist, Tom Cruise. You can watch it and believe that such things could never happen again, that honorable men who fought for their country could never again be targets of the US government, just because of what they choose to say.

But demonstrating against the phonied up wars that our government has been foisting upon the world for the past six decades in the name of "keeping the world safe for democracy" (and other Orwellian phrases) has always been met with the kind of reaction that we were taught only happens in dictatorships and squalid little countries run by madmen. The more things change, the more they remain the same...

Here are links to news stories and blog posts about this patriotic hero on the homefront from The Washington Post, Wonkette, CBS News, and if those aren't enough to pique your interest, maybe Adam Kokesh's personal weblog might do it.

Since the beginning of the Korean conflict, honorable men have been going to war for this government in the belief that they are doing the right thing for their country, that they are making a personal sacrifice for honor and duty. Afterwards, they've been coming back home, many of them maimed and injured, and many more not coming back at all. When they find that their service to their country begins looking like something less than what they originally thought it was, perhaps there are many who choose to say nothing. But those that do open their mouths will find, as Adam Kokesh has found, that this government will say anything to justify their wars, and promise anything to those who will do the actual fighting for them, but when it comes to delivering on promises and keeping AMERICA safe for democracy, this government has consistently demonstrated nothing honorable at all.


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