Thursday, May 17, 2007

5-17-07 The US Thug General

It would be too kind to refer to Alberto Gonzalez as an attorney, the Attorney General, or in any other way refer to this thug as a member of the United States of America's judiciary branch, or any other branch of our government. He is, in my opinion, the worst example of what this current administration is all about... well, so far.

Here is an honorable man, James Comey, testifying to a congressional committee how Alberto Gonzalez behaved towards then Attorney General Ashcroft, as Ashcroft lay in a hospital bed in intensive care, back in 2004. This testimony is nothing short of astonishing. The President who shames his office, the Attorney General who merely acts as a henchman for his long-time buddy George, and the rest of this administration has, without a doubt, done more damage to the moral high ground that this nation once held than anyone could have imagined possible, before September 11, 2001.

I also never thought it possible to think that John Ashcroft could have been an honorable man. But he was, despite practically being on death's door, adamant to the point of complete exhaustion in refusing to cave in to this episode of Bush and Gonzalez behaving like the Sopranos.

Plenty of news stories to read about this... here, here, here, here, infinitum.


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