Wednesday, June 27, 2007

6-27-07 What About Afghanistan (yet again)

It never ceases to amaze me that the UN can make such accurate annual reports concerning illegal drug production and usage around the world. Here's a couple of articles on the UN's most recent annual report, from BBC and CSM. We get this information here in the US easily, but the mainstream TV media hardly notices.

The strangeness of the UN being able to obtain all the information necessary to make such reports on black market, illegal activity is something that usually gets no mention at all. How do they get their information?

Well, my sense of the matter is that illegal drugs are commodities. On the world market, these commodities are VERY valuable, and those who make money off the presence of illegal drugs in the world, one way or another, will be very interested in these data that the UN so dependably reports every year.

And then there's Afghanistan... which continues to demonstrate the power of a market driven economy...


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