Wednesday, September 27, 2006

9-27-06 Too Much Yang

I have long had a tendency to believe that, philosophically, a balance between yin and yang is desireable, not only for mental stability but also for physical health. The way this translates into practice in day to day living is basically to learn how to remain calm when those around you are all losing their heads.

There's an innate "fight or flee" tendency that can come into play when social situations move towards "knocking heads". Whether it's a mild disagreement or all out war, the male ego tends to come into play. Women, on the other hand, simply use the "silent treatment". But men will solidify, become crusty and brittle, in their effort to handle the opposing vector. This is the quality of yang coming into play. We see this in the "you're either with us, or you're against us" mentality of the current administration in DC.

Too much yang is an imbalance, and it's detrimental to your health. According to this article, in the kind of levels that can be produced using steroids, testosterone actually triggers the death of brain cells!

So, I'm not just talking about some philosophical nicety here, science is catching up with the age old wisdom of balancing yin and yang.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

9-24-06 What About Afghanistan? - part 7

Finally! Finally, I have a link to some other place besides my own mind wherein the reality of what's going on with world-wide illegal drug trade and Afghanistan's amazing recovery of its place as NUMBER ONE in world opium production under US control!

Globalresearch Article

You'd think that this sort of thing would be making headlines on the mainstream media, but it's so intimately involved with the basic corruption within our own government that running with this would probably endanger their FCC licenses, one way or another. I mean, when we're talking about a 1.2 TRILLION DOLLAR A YEAR cash flow through western banking systems, who wants to kill the golden goose?

My interest in all of this is, essentially, to posit the sanity of legalizing drugs, as opposed to the current insanity involved in keeping them illegal. My position is to promote a world without war, without insanity, and I see that two of the three main revenue generators in the world today are arms and drugs.

The argument for legalization, the most credible I've ever found, was made by William F. Buckley, Jr., a decade ago...

National Review Article

Until this insanity is met head-on with these kinds of rational arguments, don't expect this baloney to stop any time soon.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

9-23-06 Drugs R US

Between the legal and the illegal drug producing activity in the world, it would be difficult to ignore various long term and widespread effects that have ended up dominating many areas of life in western civilization at this time.

The most visible part of these widespread and long term effects is the American healthcare industry.

Here's an interesting article that points out how the healthcare industry is, essentially, the main thing in the US economy that keeps things appearing to be "okay"....

Business Week Article

As long as this megalithic industry continues to grow, there will be the maintenance of this illusion that the US economy is "doing okay". This would make "fixing it" in any way, making this or that aspect of healthcare more affordable for low income people, a death knell for the economy. You just don't want to kill this golden goose!

The less visible aspects of widespread and long term effects, though, is that whole subject of drugs. Whether we want to talk about legal drugs or illegal drugs, we're talking about activity that involves billions and billions of dollars in revenues every year. And it isn't like any of this is going to go away anytime soon, because the entrenchment of the legal drug cartels into government influence is beyond comprehension. For instance, here's a recent article that shows the tip of this iceberg...

Drug Companies' Financial Clout

Some could innocently think this was in line with various precepts of "privatization", or maybe we could think like a chemical personality and look at it as "saving money for the taxpayer". I look at it as being much more in line with the sort of fascist leanings our government has taken on in the past couple of decades.

No matter how you look at the subject of drugs in the United States, you're going to notice, sooner or later, that this "market", this population of drug users, consuming billions of TONS of drugs every year, is not necessarily a sustainable market...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

9-6-06 Big Bang Brushoff

It isn't so much that I have a problem with this idea, ...the one about how the universe suddenly burst into existence out of nowhere... no, it's not so much that it's too close to the "let there be light" story. That isn't really what I don't like about it at all. What I don't like about it is that it's handed to the public as official dogma.

"Perhaps never in the history of science has so much quality evidence accumulated against a model so widely accepted within a field. Even the most basic elements of the theory, the expansion of the universe and the fireball remnant radiation, remain interpretations with credible alternative explanations. One must wonder why, in this circumstance, that four good alternative models are not even being comparatively discussed by most astronomers."

That quote is from this webpage...

The quote is down near the bottom of the page, just before the acknowledgements and references. The page's title is "The Top 30 Problems With the Big Bang". And although it looks like there are only 10 listed, a bit more reading will show the additional 20.

The problem with the hypothesis of the Big Bang isn't that it doesn't fulfil the necessary requirement for a scientific hypothesis to be "disprovable", it's the clear fact that it continues to be disproved, year after year.

When is this tired old dogma going to be put to bed?

It was only yesterday that this article showed up...

...assailing yet another aspect of the Big Bang dogma. One hardly needs to spend years of study for advanced degrees in astronomy to notice how far out on a limb the pro-Big Bang camp goes, lately. It's getting to be like a church of the holy doctrine, screaming loudly, "The universe is finite! It burst forth out of nothing! Dark matter! Dark matter!" What're these guys afraid of?

Oh well, I suppose that if I spent my entire life laboring to defend the wrong theory, I'd be afraid, too. It's about the grant money, stupid!

Monday, September 04, 2006

9-4-06 What About Afghanistan? - part 6

Well, okay... I did get a little bit of my spin on yesterday's part 5 post wrong. The more I continue reading about poppy growing in Afghanistan, the more I learn. What the bumper crop of this year's opium will create in the end-user markets isn't necessarily only a drop in the price. It will apparently also cause an increase in the purity of the heroin sold on the streets of western civilization. Here's an article from Scotland that went up yesterday...

As the article cites in interviewing the executive director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the last time the purity of street heroin went up (doubled, actually), was in 2004. This directly caused an increase of overdoses and deaths from overdoses, so this UN officer has issued a warning to that effect to the health ministries of "major heroin consuming nations"!

What really amazes me is how the UN has got this whole drug market so neatly analyzed, how they can so accurately obtain all this marketing information, and so forth. It's amazing to me that this worldwide illegal activity can be so transparent and observable on this scale. It's a black market, for chrissakes! Where are they getting all this information?

The more I learn about this, the more outraged I am by the blatant, in your face inconsistencies concerned with this whole thing, versus the so-called "war on drugs".

More and more, the one thing that stands out as the most glaring factor in the entire Afghanistan scenario is that the US government had been planning to go into that country BEFORE the 9/11 attacks. The only place that poppies were still being grown in Afghanstan prior to 9/11, and after the Taliban had successfully reduced Afghani opium production by 90%, was in areas controlled by the "northern alliance".

And who, exactly, did the invasion forces ally themselves to in taking over Afghanistan? The "northern alliance", that's who. They're the "pro-poppy-growing" group, the only group in Afghanistan that had this commodity still under production in that country, that's who.

It's as if the Osama Bin Laden bloc, the Taliban bloc, was pissing off the world-wide illegal drug traders by crippling the supply side of the market, so in order to fight back, the UN and the US and the UK went in there and chased them out. Immediately, the objective of recovering all that production was realized. One year later, Afghanistan is back on the world map as the number one producer of opium.

Mission Accomplished!

Yes, boys and girls, May 2, 2003 was the day that George W. Bush was flown to the USS Lincoln in a jet fighter, made a tail-hook landing on the aircraft carrier, and jumped out to announce, "Mission Accomplished!" It was only one day BEFORE that that Donald Rumsfeld met with Hamid Karzai (a former oil industry deal-maker, by the way) in Kabul. Concurrently, a senior US official travelling with Rumsfeld announced that the US was "moving out of major combat operations and... into reconstruction, stability and humanitarian relief operations."

The only thing that's REALLY been "stabilized" in that country so far has been the restoration of Afghanistan as the world's number one source of opium. The proof of the pudding is in the eating... this was the objective, this was the goal, and the mission was quickly accomplished. NOTHING of any import has been done in Afghanistan, ever since.

You tell me that there's something I'm missing in all of this, and I'll be more than willing to consider changing my tune here. Meanwhile, here's some links that'll describe things going on in the past to shed some light on how we got to this point, and to get you in the mood...

The credibility and veracity of such fringe "information" is always in question, of course, and I'd be the first to admit that it's terribly unscientific, or perhaps evidence of my lack of objectivity, which drives my posts regarding Afghanistan's opium production. I just don't buy the PR that dubya's just a dumb hick, however, and any explanation including the word "bungled" won't wash at this point.

The three links, above, describe things going all the way back into the 1970's, and are full of all sorts of other outside links. You could easily spend the next couple of months sifting through this kind of stuff. I've been sifting through these types of things for much longer, however, as evidenced by various posts I've made over the past year. I don't take such things, individually, at face value, I take them with great skepticism. But when subsequent, long term events tend to bear out any substance to various claims and allegations made by these "fringe" sources, I find it difficult to continue dismissing them out of hand.

You want a "smoking gun"? Just look at what's been caused to happen in Afghanistan. This is no accident, this is no "bungled job", this is no ancillary effect. This is the main event, the intended result. To look at it in any other way is to not look at it at all.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

9-3-06 What About Afghanistan? - part 5

Well, boys and girls, the big news is finally out! The UN "crop report" was released yesterday. It's the data that drug dealers and anybody else connected with the world's illegal drug trade in opium and heroin have been eagerly awaiting. It appears that production was so high in Afghanistan this year that it outstripped demand by fully one third!

This is GREAT NEWS for junkies, and DEVASTATING NEWS for all those mofo's out there using drug profits to fund their covert operations. It means, in simple market terms, that supply vs demand will make the price for this commodity PLUNGE LIKE A ROCK!

If this is any indication, it would appear that one way to REALLY wage a war on drugs in the present scenario-laden mess is to set things up so that supply goes even higher, driving prices even lower, and creating a "drug glut" that will, in essence, put those mofo's right out of business...

Of course, that didn't work with the oil industry in the early part of the 20th century, when the oil glut drove prices down to $0 per barrel, so ...realisitically... I wouldn't keep my hopes up for a "drug glut" to put these jerks out of business, either. But it sure is nice to know that their cash flow will be significantly diminished this year.