Sunday, September 24, 2006

9-24-06 What About Afghanistan? - part 7

Finally! Finally, I have a link to some other place besides my own mind wherein the reality of what's going on with world-wide illegal drug trade and Afghanistan's amazing recovery of its place as NUMBER ONE in world opium production under US control!

Globalresearch Article

You'd think that this sort of thing would be making headlines on the mainstream media, but it's so intimately involved with the basic corruption within our own government that running with this would probably endanger their FCC licenses, one way or another. I mean, when we're talking about a 1.2 TRILLION DOLLAR A YEAR cash flow through western banking systems, who wants to kill the golden goose?

My interest in all of this is, essentially, to posit the sanity of legalizing drugs, as opposed to the current insanity involved in keeping them illegal. My position is to promote a world without war, without insanity, and I see that two of the three main revenue generators in the world today are arms and drugs.

The argument for legalization, the most credible I've ever found, was made by William F. Buckley, Jr., a decade ago...

National Review Article

Until this insanity is met head-on with these kinds of rational arguments, don't expect this baloney to stop any time soon.


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