Saturday, September 23, 2006

9-23-06 Drugs R US

Between the legal and the illegal drug producing activity in the world, it would be difficult to ignore various long term and widespread effects that have ended up dominating many areas of life in western civilization at this time.

The most visible part of these widespread and long term effects is the American healthcare industry.

Here's an interesting article that points out how the healthcare industry is, essentially, the main thing in the US economy that keeps things appearing to be "okay"....

Business Week Article

As long as this megalithic industry continues to grow, there will be the maintenance of this illusion that the US economy is "doing okay". This would make "fixing it" in any way, making this or that aspect of healthcare more affordable for low income people, a death knell for the economy. You just don't want to kill this golden goose!

The less visible aspects of widespread and long term effects, though, is that whole subject of drugs. Whether we want to talk about legal drugs or illegal drugs, we're talking about activity that involves billions and billions of dollars in revenues every year. And it isn't like any of this is going to go away anytime soon, because the entrenchment of the legal drug cartels into government influence is beyond comprehension. For instance, here's a recent article that shows the tip of this iceberg...

Drug Companies' Financial Clout

Some could innocently think this was in line with various precepts of "privatization", or maybe we could think like a chemical personality and look at it as "saving money for the taxpayer". I look at it as being much more in line with the sort of fascist leanings our government has taken on in the past couple of decades.

No matter how you look at the subject of drugs in the United States, you're going to notice, sooner or later, that this "market", this population of drug users, consuming billions of TONS of drugs every year, is not necessarily a sustainable market...


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