Thursday, March 01, 2007

3-1-07 WTC-7

Is it just me? Am I the only one who can calculate what time it is in New York, when it's 10pm in London?

According to this YouTube clip of the BBC broadcast on the evening of 9-11-01, the news service is reporting the collapse of Building 7 in the World Trade Center twenty minutes before it collapsed. It calculates that because it's 10pm in London, then it's 5pm in New York, which would put the report of the building's collapse as coming out before it even happened.

However, at 10pm in London on 9-11-01, it was 6pm Eastern DAYLIGHT Time (Not EST), and the building had collapsed about 40 minutes before the report was made. If there is/was any conspiracy surrounding the events of 9-11, this sort of easily discredited reportage certainly muddies the playing field, doesn't it?

Who would want to do that? (duh!)


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