Friday, December 08, 2006

12-8-06 What We Don't Know

One of the things I didn't know was why Iran would have any slightest need for nuclear energy plants, when it's got one of the world's biggest oil reserves. This is a question that goes unanswered in the mainstream media, basically, because the mainstream media isn't doing anything intellectually viable. But you have to ask that question....

All the noise about Iran wanting to build nuclear weapons, and the reply from Iran that they are merely building nuclear power plants, is just so perplexing to me. I keep hearing this two pronged attack of words and shrug my shoulders and go WTF??? If I believe the US Government's propaganda, that they're building nuclear weapons, then Iran is "the enemy". If I believe the Iranian Government's propaganda, that they are merely building nuclear power plants, then Iran must be nuts because they have one of the world's biggest oil reserves and why the hell would they even NEED ANY nuclear power plants???

Maybe, just maybe, we're missing some crucial information here...

Ah! Here it is!


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