Tuesday, July 11, 2006

7-11-06 Waytheheckout

James Casbolt claims to be a former MI6 agent. He also makes a lot of other claims, first concerning the involvement of intelligence agencies in England and the US in the worldwide drug trade...


...and second concerning the involvement of same in something even further from our wildest imaginings...


First, let me make it clear that I'm a big fan of Robert Anton Wilson's "The Illuminatus Trilogy". Those books launched my (and I'm sure, many others') imagination into the never ending abyss of conspiracy theories, and any other scientifically unconfirmable alternate realities that people are so willing to create.

I do enjoy wading around in that kind of stuff, only because I sometimes run across a smigeon here or a tidbit there that, despite the ridiculous sources, turn out to have had basis in fact. These things are what draw me to continue mining the fringes of our culture for any little gems that might be had.

Casbolt is definitely waytheheckout. His two articles, posted on a fringe website over the course of the past two months, more than strain the bounds of credulity. The first article set my teeth on edge, because he's not the only source for similar claims regarding CIA involvement in drug trafficking over the years. One need only consult the federal register to find congressional testimony for exactly the same thing (Iran/Contra), or surf for links on Michael C. Ruppert. But the newest article, published last week, is all about the involvement of world governemnts and intelligence services with aliens.

I look at this kind of stuff this way... I like to read what these guys have to say, and then if I run across any smoking guns elsewhere, I can at least have a reference point to put the waytheheckout thing into better perspective. But I never dismiss the crazy fringe stuff out of hand... even something as absolutely unbelievable as this.

Oddly enough, there are other people out there who have been making similar claims, among them Bob Lazar. Here's the essence of the Lazar claims...


Aside from the claims of these two people, there are also many other sites around that you can peruse for claims regarding the UFO/Aliens/Abductions scene. Prominent among those would be Whitley Strieber's website here...


...and his blog, here...


Strieber has written extensively on his own abduction experiences, and I have to say that despite the horrific subjective ordeals that he's gone through over the years, he's continued to grasp anywhere he can for rational, down-to-earth explanations for whatever it is that he's gone through.

Most of us tend to dismiss any and all of this stuff because hard evidence is always lacking. But there is a never ending flow of ephemeral evidence and testimony. Despite the fact that James Casbolt tends to push the envelope a bit further than I've seen so far, his most recent claims are, nonetheless, published out there now. I think the guy's on a roll, now...


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